Shadow Board
Utilizing digital media to challenge the status quo.
The Shadow Board
Empowering through digital media activism...
The Shadow Board is an independent TV show that is really more of a grass-roots activist effort that was born out of parent frustration with the Fairfax County Public Schools board’s actions (and IN-actions) as it relates to parental voices. The model is based on a time-honored tradition in British government called a “Shadow Parliament” and it features citizens viewing, commenting, and rebutting their local school board meeting in real-time during the board’s live stream. The show, which airs regularly on USANOW.TV, has been extremely successful in holding the FCPS board to account by allowing citizen voices to be amplified and extended far beyond their allocated 2 minute public comment spot. If you would like to start a Shadow Board to serve your community we would love to work with you! Please CONTACT us to discuss a partnership.